5,000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter

5,000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter

B. inggris kak bantu jwb plss kumpul besok​

kak bantu jwb plss kumpul besok​


1. What are Ilyas and Tiara talking about?

C. An efrective formula

2. Ilyas asks, "Do you think you can solve it?"

What does it mean?

C. He asks if Tiara is capable to answer the excercise.

3. What does Rona ask Andika to do?

B. To teach her how to operare a computer program

4. Andika sayaz "Neither can I."

What does it mean?

D. He cannot operate that program.

5. From the dialog, we know that..

D. Rona and Andika are learning a new computer program.

6. What does Mrs. Khalisa ask Randy to?

A. To repair fan

7. Randy says, "Let me do it mom"

The sentence shows Randy's

A. Ability

8. From the dialog we can conclude that

C. Mrs. Khalisa is willing to help Randy repair the fan

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